If you had a full day to spend in the solitude of the currently closed Archer Park Rail Museum, Mt. Morgan Railway museum, the Rockhampton Heritage Village, CQ Military Museum, top floor of Customs House, or the Rockhampton Art Gallery what would you show for it?

What if you are an artist, photographer, poet, writer, singer, dancer, sculptor, wood worker; would the solitude and ambience of the building inspire you to create something new. And would you be interested to see what they created?

We presently have a rather unique opportunity to keep our closed local attractions in the public’s mind and highlight the creativity of local artists and performers, whilst enhancing the cultural image of the city. Let’s promote this opportunity, the Archer Park Rail Museum is keen to be involved. After all, when we (or later generations) reflect on covid-19 restrictions, what local images/creations will be portrayed, would it not be good to see creative content inspired by the solitude in some of our most iconic buildings alongside the driveway and sunflower photo’s.

Have a say in what gets created

Like an Artist in Residence program, where applications are sought from creative people to spend time in a new atmosphere and environment to experiment and develop their work, local content creators are invited to apply for day passes to our presently closed attractions. Actually, why not extend it to iconic landmarks like the Singing Ship, which will be celebrating its 50th birthday at the end of this month.

This application process could be followed on social media with people voting on which projects they like to see approved. The chosen applicants then agreeing to share on site their thoughts and creative process via social media (and traditional media that follow the story) until finally revealing their completed work. All such work, be it on video, canvas, paper, digital, a sculpture, a play, could then be put on public display at the relevant structures when access restrictions are lifted, giving another reason for us to re-visit these buildings, then all pooled together for one combined display where the artist could sell or donate their works if they choose to do so.

A unique way to help in unique times

This would certainly help Archer Park and CQ Military, who are reliant on paid visitation for a significant part of their income, rebound better after the access restrictions are lifted by keeping them in the public eye, from eyes that may bring different perspectives to the buildings. Also help our local artists, performers particularly, who haven’t been able to demonstrate their talent to a live audience lately.

The cost to organise this would be minimal, the favourable exposure gained could be immense. Hopefully the powers that be also see the opportunity these unique times are presenting and like Archer Park Rail Museum seek to grasp them. Know any creative people who like the inspiration of a day in the solitude of some of our iconic buildings?  Share this idea with them, so that we may all share in what they create.
