More employers would soak up more of the  unemployed.  In very simple terms this  sounds logical.  What if you helped an  unemployed person become an employer?   Wouldn’t this be even more effective in decreasing unemployment?  With the necessary support structures in  place it can work.  Would an unemployed  person want to become an employer though?

Discussing last week’s column with a small  business owner he concurred that his business plan doesn’t include recruiting  employees.  Outsourcing will be his strategy  for the activities he chooses not to do.   As I indicated last week, there is an un-ignorable trend for employers  to use labour hire companies, free lancers, casuals and outsource.  With big business and government cutting back  on staff and small medium enterprises (SME’s) seemingly cautious on whether to  add to their labour force; is encouraging the unemployed to consider becoming  an employer (or at least business owners) a ridiculous notion?  Before government pours resources into such a  strategy to achieve an acceptable level of success, question, would an  unemployed person want to become a business person?  As the small business owner I was talking  with said “would any sane person want to go into their own business”.  Maybe its youthful exuberance, daring to live  the dream or a touch of insanity that blindly leads people into business  ownership.  How many regret that decision  sometime later though?  The high  percentage of business failures suggests it could be the majority.  “Between land tax, and rates I’m $46000 in  the red before I turn on any machinery each year.  The carbon tax has not only increased my  electricity, but my suppliers as well, so all my costs have increased.  You just can’t compete with the Chinese.  The high Australian dollar is only  encouraging more overseas on line shopping.   And you can be sued for anything you or your employees say or do.  Why would you go into business”, said the  small business owner.  If a proper holistic  analysis is done on how to reduce unemployment finds favour in encouraging business  ownership, more needs to be done to make going into business desirable for the  logical thinkers.  Cause the current  climate isn’t conducive.  Politicians take  the party blinkers off and help improve the chances of success for both the  unemployed and employers.

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