The ’De’ decision has been made and it appears that Livingstone Shire
will again exist. Rockhampton Regional Council now not only has to
concern itself with the asset/debt split, but how is it to react to the
realities of the decision. The Livingstone part of the region is/was the
population growth engine. It also was the post card part of the region.
The beaches, islands (particularly with the conditional approval of
Great Keppel Island) and lifestyle is an attractive lure of those
thinking of a sea change, even tree change. If the growth trend of
Livingstone continues it also places greater demand on Rockhampton
resources, like the free riverbank car parking for workers, cultural
assets – Pilbeam Theatre, Library, Botanic Gardens/zoo, etc. Cost
savings are demanded, the levels of bureaucracy was a factor in the yes
vote. Some cost savings will happen with councillor salaries to
decrease. However we can’t just cut back. Decisions like reviewing the
Southside pool opening hours, etc., over winter need to be made, but
instead of just asking what can be done for less, ask what can be done
to attract more dollars. It’s time Council made some goals for
population growth, job growth, housing construction and determine what
is needed to achieve these goals. For example on a small scale with the
pool, if last winter’s revenue was $6000, make the goal $10000. Still
far short of the $140000 – $200000 costs, but if part of the revenue
increase included hosting the Australian Olympic team in preparation for
an international meet and the economic benefit of their weeklong visit
was $100000 in accommodation, meals, taxi fares, entertainment, etc.,
then the pool becomes more viable, not something that should be dug up
and sent to Canberra. On a larger scale set a goal of 4% annual
population growth for the remaining region. Then determine how it can be
achieved. Marketing of the region as a place to live, working with
developers to provide the housing needs for a 4% increase, incentives to
help businesses grow and put on more staff, look at FIFO opportunities.
The ‘De’ decision can be an excuse or the trigger for a pro-active
Rockhampton. It’s going to be a tougher challenge now, but we need to
pro-actively step up to it.
Proactive Rocky