What a week, the Prime Minister in town yesterday, the Prime Minister want to be in town today, State of Origin tonight; all rather appropriately in the same week that young orphan says the famous line “please sir, I want some more”, when Oliver opens this Friday night. (I know a contrived plug for a quality local production; tickets are available at the Pilbeam Theatre box office). Appropriate in that it is all about ‘more’ this week; one more Queensland win, more promises, getting more votes, the public wanting more from the pollies. No doubt we will hear their well rehearsed speeches and media grabs while they are in town. Central Queensland is critical to both parties, for Labor to have any hope of winning the election they need to retain Capricornia, LNP may see this as their best chance in decades to win it and in doing so most likely Government. Central Queensland is also critical as the projects planned for this region will go a long way to help fund either party’s promises. Despite the lay-offs, the lower coal and cattle prices Central Queensland is one of the better performing regions in Australia. So through all the ‘spin’ of making out we’ll be getting more out of either major party, they’ll silently be doing an Oliver, wanting (needing) ‘more’ from Central Queensland. More development, more jobs created, more spending to generate more GST. You can’t get milk from a barren cow. Politicians know ‘the person who would milk a barren cow must prepare for a kick on the forehead’ or in political speak, have little chance of winning the seat. So they’ll want more from the seats in Central Queensland to provide for elsewhere. It’s a shame that Central Queensland doesn’t have a united voice to use its economic strength more effectively. There are issues; like FIFO, flood proofing, the environment, water quality, inadequate infrastructure that need serious attention, not just ‘more’ smiley faces, attempts at empathy, hand gestures and vaguely worded assurances. Yes the professional performers are in town this week, but for ‘more’ genuine theatrics get your ticket to see the talented kids of Emmaus College perform ‘Oliver’, that will be the best show in town this week.
