An expected result on Saturday night is it to be followed by the ‘the deficit is worse than we were led to believe and some promises will have to be delayed’ speech in a few days time. One issue that needs to be fought for, that our local politicians unfortunately don’t appear to prioritise, is for optical fibre to be connected to every home, school and business in Rockhampton; see the National Broadband Network (NBN) installation fully completed. If the installation is left partially done it will be huge opportunity missed for the Rockhampton region. Rockhampton needs to be recognised as fully optical fibre connected, not partially. Internet speed is of paramount importance in the decision where to locate a business. Therefore for the future economic growth (which drives job creation) it is of the upmost importance that Rockhampton be fully connected. A digital divide will be perceived as a digital backwater. Townsville is already publically recognised as Australia’s most NBN-ready city; together with its international airport this provides it further advantage. Rockhampton Regional Council has to be pro-active on this. If not our Federal representative, whoever it will be won’t persistently, forcibly push for it; because that’s what it will need to have a chance of being funded to be completed. The new Government national broadband option is slower; the Member of Capricornia has got to overlook the party line or overcome the hurdle of being in opposition and see the job done. This is about being a representative of the electorate, not a party. Presently this is more important for our future than a levee bank and should be an immediate priority. I attended a meeting at the CQUniversity last year promoting Rockhampton as a region of innovation; let’s affect pressure to fight for a means that can enhance innovation. Council, the University, Capricorn Enterprise, the Chamber do you lament it as an opportunity lost or make some pro-active noise about this? The initial answer from the Fed’s may well be ‘we can’t afford it’, but Rockhampton cannot afford to stop pushing for it. A persistent push for the job that has started to be completed needs to begin now.
