A few weeks back I suggested that the block surrounded by Victoria Parade, North, Bolsover and Cambridge Streets be developed into something that reflects the livability (character) of the city – our own South Bank. It is heartening to read further ideas for the riverbank. A meeting with some members of the Museum of Central Queensland (MoCQ) has led to an extension of this aspiration. It’s no secret the current Art Gallery is too small to display all its (our) collection. The city lacks major conference facilities. Central Queensland doesn’t have a proper museum able to cater for travelling exhibitions like the Hidden Treasures of Afghanistan currently on display in Brisbane. Could this all be developed beside Pilbeam Theatre, including the 2 prime sites Council is trying to sell? Aiming high; no doubt, but are we wanting to rebuild the status of this city to the heights of once having ambitions of being capital of a touted northern Queensland state or feel there is nothing we can do (afford) to prevent further diminishment in comparison to other centres. The State Government openly tells how much in debt it is but has a bold plan involving private investment to re-develop part of its inner city between the river and George Street. Could some bold thinking be utilised in planning the future for Rockhampton? Bold enough to tackle the political backlash to decisions that might end free parking beside Pilbeam Theatre for example. If we aspire for Rockhampton to be a modern, vibrant, dynamic city and region some bold decisions and actions need to be taken. To enhance the livability or character of the city further riverbank development is necessary along with cultural assets like a museum, conference centre and art gallery big enough to display its entire collection. Is selling the Victoria Parade land for the highest amount really going to make a big difference over the long term on the regions debt or is a bold statement about the livability (character) of the city going to have a greater positive impact?

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