People do business with people they know, like and trust. Makes sense, and you could expand this to businesses they know, like and trust. So one of the secrets to having a successful business is to get as many people to know, like and trust you and your business. The internet has made it a lot easier for this to occur. Traditional mass media also continues to be utilised. But do readers, listeners, viewers really believe that you’re a trustworthy person or business just because you tell them in your online or off-line advertising? Networking, particularly face to face, is one of the most successful ways for people to know, like and trust you. Rockhampton Innovative Networking Group (RING) focus is encourage people to meet, connect and actively engage to develop knowledge, likability and trust while supporting local charities. This not only helps local businesses become stronger (and generates local job opportunities) it helps build stronger communities. Getting an insight into the individuals that make up a community helps enhance a sense of community.
The RING event on Tuesday (March 11) at CQ Leagues Club offers an insight into other individuals business capabilities and this year’s Capricorn Food and Wine Festival. Special guest is Scott Buchholz the founder of Capricorn Food and Wine Festival. Scott will talk about his aspirations for the festival and how the region benefits from it. Those attending will then have an opportunity for a one on one with Scott and the other attendees as networking RING style starts. An inner and outer ring of attendees are formed; after a 2 – 3 minute elevator pitch about each business the outer circle starts its rotation.
If you’re interested in attending RING to find out more about the Capricorn Food and Wine Festival as well as meeting new people register on line via the website or email or phone 49266538. A fee of $20 is payable at the door with proceeds from the evening being donated to the Capricorn Helicopter Rescue Service. Build your profile, build your trust, build your business, build a stronger community by building your local network. See you at RING.