I’ve mentioned previously the image issues Rockhampton region apparently has. “A place you wouldn’t want to end up in”, according to a Brisbane PR expert. If Rockhampton is to do our bit by the Queensland plan and increase its population by 10% within 2 years, which is a big goal considering recent OESR figures only indicate an annual growth rate of 1.6%, clearly image is a factor to be considered in achieving it. (Be enlightening to learn how Council see the 10% goal being achieved.) How do you quickly change a image away from hot, there’s not a lot to do and floods to an image that helps attracts people to move here? Maybe part of the answer  is within the name, ROCK hampton. Could the rock in Rockhampton be conveyed from the rocks in the river to rock music? Not the AC/DC kind of rock music, but smoother classic rock (not that I’m saying AC/DC is not classic rock). Rocky lads Busby Marou are making their mark on the international music scene and using iconic local land marks in their lyrics and latest album title. Another Rocky born boy may not have used iconic local landmarks in his lyrics but did write an iconic song, ‘Rock and Roll I Gave You the Best Years of My Life’, the writer and singer Kevin Johnson. Could the title be changed to ‘Rockhampton will give you the best years of your life’ and lyrics modified to suit. Many younger people may not be aware of this huge international hit from the 1970’s, but are they really the people Rockhampton region is going to attract. Families are the likely market; who’ve had enough of the rat race, want some where less hectic, with good facilities, affordable housing and job opportunities. Imagine Johnson, Busby and Marou combining to sing the modified lyrics with a video of 2 teenage boys enjoying the simple pleasures around Rockhampton region. Of course this wouldn’t be enough, an embracing strategy including regular smooth rock concerts/festivals, iTunes gift card on payment of the rates, able to download music from the Council web site as well as win tickets to music events. Actions that demonstrate a commitment to putting ROCK (music) into ROCKhampton. A game (image) changer!
