Your life is enriched by the people you meet and the books you read. Imagine being 17, looking forward to end of Grade 12 and life after school. An opportunity comes to meet local business people and have short conversations with them about life after school. Timely, daunting but enriching, both for the students and business people attending; I can say that from experience. C2C, Communication to Careers, an off-shoot of Rockhampton Innovative Networking Group (RING), is holding their biggest gathering yet. At previous C2C gatherings around 20 business people would form an inner ring to converse with about 40 students rotating around the outer ring. The next gathering will be more than twice the size. On July 21st 104 The Cathedral College students get this opportunity. C2C needs at least 50 local business people to give a couple hours of their time to have conversations with the students. The conversations could be about the students post school plans, the career path the business person has taken, things to include on resume’s, advise on who to send applications to, what they may encounter at a job interview, what further study may benefit them, etc. Business people attending might meet a future workmate, provide some advice that helps the student on the path to realising their dream and may leave with more optimism for the future. The simple objective of C2C is provide the opportunity for students’ to gain confidence in engaging with a variety of business people. Teachers have commented that they’ve seen this happen. They’ve also said that C2C might be one of the rare opportunities for some students to express their future plans as they had never been asked and thus not shared them with others. Enriching, a bit daunting but timely; C2C is worthwhile. Statistics indicate that youth who can recall having 4 or more career conversations are 5 times more likely to be in work or further education. If you like to know more and hopefully register to be available on the morning of July 21 visit The greater variety of experiences in attendance the more beneficial it will be.

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