What a weekend; 15000 at the Rockhampton Home Show, 12000 at the Village Festival, a packed house at Hegvold Stadium to watch the Cyclones and Rockets advance to the Queensland basketball grand finals.

Feedback I’ve heard about the Home show and retailers on the Yeppoon foreshore was businesses did really well, at least one achieving record sales. This should be a wakeup call to local businesses, particularly those saying how quiet it is and that people aren’t spending due to a lack of confidence. As Kevin Costner would say, ‘build it and they will come’. Or more appropriately ‘give people additional reasons to spend and they will’. What was disappointing with the Home Show was the percentage of out of region exhibitors compared to locals, possibly 8 to 1. Consumers want more choice, more excitement; if local businesses don’t provide it they go looking elsewhere, as evident not only by the attendance at the Home Show, but their willingness to pay for the privilege to be parted from their money.

It is a big expectation for locals to support local businesses just out of parochialism. A buy local strategy is needed particularly in regional communities to generate more jobs, more economic growth, more money circulating and more support for local sporting clubs (like the Rockets and Cyclones), cultural activities, etc. But it needs to be more than just a plea, it needs teeth. Educating locals on the importance of buying local is fundamental. As is providing a range of choice. Making the Central Business District more vibrant is also important. Shop and product finder interactive screens spread across the CBD would enhance the convenience and vibrancy as would a CBD App.

Also demonstrate something tangible from buying local that does excite most locals, the Rockets and Cyclones for example. Along with their junior development, smart recruiting, passionate fans and loyal volunteers; local corporate support has given Rockhampton Basketball the resources to be amongst the best in the state.

Buying local can provide a community many benefits, hopefully including 2 basketball state titles this weekend. All the best to the Rockets and Cyclones.
