Several weeks ago I questioned what would a Grade 12 student say to the State Minister for Education, Training & Employment if they had the opportunity. On Sunday I got an opportunity at Community Cabinet. As one of the organisers of RING (Rockhampton Innovative Networking Group) our request for a meeting with the Minister was granted. The opportunity was used to make the Minister John-Paul Langbroek aware of our C2C (Communication to Careers) events connecting local secondary school students and business people. Explaining C2C’s importance in tackling what should be the number 1 priority for our community, youth unemployment.
Not surprisingly the main stories emanating from the Community Cabinet meeting are of impressive big ticket items; dam, stadium and northern highway access. All job generating projects, not necessarily enough to make a long term sizable dent on the 30% youth unemployment rate though.
The Minister gave us his full attention and more than the 15 minutes allotted. We highlighted that of the 6 secondary schools to have a C2C event this year only 1 was a public school and felt more students could benefit from them. Also advised the interest received from Gladstone and Emerald to hold C2C events. We showed the positive response received from both business people and students who’ve attended. Informed the Minister that C2C has led to work experience opportunities and job interviews offered to some students, as well as future plans. We didn’t receive, nor expect, any offers of Government support for C2C. Our goal was make the Minister aware of its existence and the outcomes being achieved. What happens next is a much up to us as it is the Government. If the only media attention about the Community Cabinet meeting continues to be a dam, stadium and northern highway access then one of these will arguably be what the Government will address, especially with an election within possibly 6 months. If we are truly concerned about the limited local employment opportunities for youth and the long term impact it will have on our community we need to be as vocal as the dam, stadium and northern highway access advocates. Youth unemployment is not as exciting, but you can’t build stronger communities over the long term if you don’t seriously tackle it from all levels.