Tomorrow morning how many kids, for that matter any of us receiving a present, will ask “why am I getting these presents today?” Be they from Santa, parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles it would be nice to think that some of us might stop before madly unwrapping the gift to think why are people giving me presents. Of course it’s Christmas that’s what many of us do. Spread peace and goodwill by giving presents. Why tomorrow, shouldn’t spreading peace and goodwill happen every day? A Shopping Centre in England held a survey of 1000 youngsters asking who Jesus Christ was. Apparently 20% responded he plays for Chelsea in the English Premier League (Football). 52% apparently also believe tomorrow is Santa Claus’s birthday. I say apparently as it would be interesting to see how the survey was conducted; youngsters maybe responding with the more sensational multi choice responses, which of course generated greater publicity for the Shopping Centre where the survey was held. After all a 100% response saying Jesus is the son of God would hardly generate anywhere near the same publicity as 1 in 5 think he is a Chelsea striker. It should though, as no doubt there are many youngsters in Australia who do not know about Jesus Christ and thus the reason behind the giving of gifts tomorrow. And in this age of political correctness and being culturally sensitive, where now we should wish Happy Holidays instead of Happy Christmas, more kids will know less about the reason for the season. So for my last column for the year if you are thankful for Christmas Season; be it because you get a present, a visit from a rarely seen family member or friend, a pleasant greeting from a stranger, a few days off work, weeks off school, family all getting together, a retailer enjoying a boost in sales, a Christian; and you know the reason for the season is to celebrate the birth of Jesus and his message of peace and goodwill then express your thanks or at least think of it tomorrow. We can all do with more peace and goodwill in the world. Have a happy, safe Christmas and here is to a great 2015.