In numerous ways the past month has been community building as many of us have gained an insight into our neighbours’ lives from helping each other recover from cyclone Marcia. Community building is not just re-building what was damaged in our communities; it is developing deeper, more authentic communication with the people who make up our community. Overcoming cultural, political, age and religious differences that may exist in working towards a common community good. Next week there is another community building event, but this one has no cyclone as a catalyst nor will it receive the publicity. Only those who participate will truly appreciate the benefits it provides. Community and communication are intrinsically linked yet in most communities we have this great communication divide between teenagers and over 40 year olds, vindicated as the generation gap. RING (Rockhampton Innovative Networking Group) seeks to cross this generational divide with its C2C (Communication to Careers) sessions. Created to help secondary school students practice/demonstrate their face to face communication skills in the company of local business people to enhance outside and post school opportunities. From meeting and briefly talking with about 20 business people it is expected that students will find future job interviews less daunting thus improve their chances of gaining employment. However regular business attendees have noted how C2C helped change their perceptions of youth. Generally business representatives have been impressed with the students they’ve met; their questions, ambitions, confidence. Some students have gained work experience opportunities at C2C sessions by simply daring to ask. If last year is any guide the session next Thursday morning with the Rockhampton Girls Grammar School grade 12 students will provide more positive reinforcement that today’s youth can successfully be tomorrow’s leaders, doctors, engineers, humanitarians. The communication between student and business representative is more than practice; for the student it opens the doors for business networks to evolve, the opportunity to voice aspirations and receive advice to achieve them. For the first time business attendee it’s a revelation. It is authentic communication that crosses the generational divide; it is community building in action. RING needs more business representatives to attend its C2C sessions, if you can help visit to find out how.
C2C Cross Generation