It will be interesting to see what headlines accompany the Community Cabinet meeting in Rockhampton this Sunday and Monday. Jobs has been the repeating mantra of the new State Government but tangible results proves harder than chanting jobs, jobs, jobs. Unlikely we’ll read of any reversal on the Great Keppel Island boutique casino licence decision that possibly could generate jobs. Also unlikely the Premier will slap the wrists of insurance companies that make it difficult for local businesses to do cyclone repair work generating local job growth. Adani still currently appears more of a gold mine for lawyers than a royalty mine for the Government or major job creator. Therefore the Community Cabinet meeting may indeed be the listening vehicle that it is being promoted as, rather than just a public relations exercise. What do we as a community want our State Government to hear then? Our regions high youth unemployment has got to be on the agenda. With around one in four 15-25 year olds either under employed or unemployed listening to any ideas addressing this should be a given. There is a barrier to employing youth (particularly in full time roles); stereotyped as lazy and uncommunicative; lacking commitment, loyalty and relevant experience. Connecting local business people with local secondary school students would help in breaking this barrier down. RING (Rockhampton Innovative Networking Group) through their C2C (Communication to Careers) sessions creates this connection. There is a session tomorrow morning at the CQUniversity Sports Centre. This connection between students and business has resulted in work experience opportunities, business people perceptions of youth challenged, paths to part time employment explained and young people expressing their future ambitions (something they may rarely do). It’s an important foot in the door that is run and supported by volunteers. It’s a program that with sufficient resourcing could spread throughout the region, even state wide. As one of the organisers of RING we have the opportunity to express this to the Minister of Education this Sunday. It is not the panacea for youth unemployment but arguably more effective in breaking down the barrier that has business hesitant about employing youth than chanting mantras. If you like to attend tomorrow’s C2C session visit for details.
