Winning the 2nd cricket test had us even prouder to be Australian, State of Origin time sees us strongly identify as Queenslanders; what would make us more parochial Central Queenslanders and why should we be. Buying Australian Made has long been pushed as good for our country; in creating jobs and profits for reinvestment in Australia. Queensland Made brings this a little closer to home. Central Queensland Made brings the benefits to our doorstep. Calls for Buy Local have been ongoing but arguably at least in Rockhampton never really advanced much beyond the link to jobs for our kids. If a call to local businesses asking them indicate what increase in sales would they need to employ an additional person, how many would respond? How many of us would change our buying habits to help achieve this increase? A tangible demonstration of the importance and power of buying local! Would this tangible demonstration affect locals buying on international web sites? I suspect parents and carers of unemployed and underemployed youth may consider where they shop. The growing number of unemployed men over 50 and their families may also be more selective where they shop. Just the high number of unemployed and their families could therefore result in a CQ 1st strategy being a sales booster for local business when combined with good service and competitive pricing. Too simple! The strategy would need regular media promoting the local businesses that are on board, indicating their current number of employees and what sales increase they required to put another on. Highlighting new employee appointments would provide the strategy ongoing positive reinforcement. Collaboration between the participating businesses could entice customers to support other local businesses, similar to the petrol offer found at the bottom of supermarket receipts? The tall poppy syndrome has many local businesses hesitant in highlight their successes, but if their sales growth is directly linked to job creation won’t that be viewed positively. We can sit bemoaning how the south east corner gets all the dollars (and casinos), or do something for ourselves instead of waiting for outside intervention. Be proud to be Australians and Queenslanders, but do more than fly a made in China maroon flag, put Central Queensland 1st and know you helped create a local job.