Locavore, do you know what it means? Word of the year in 2007 according to the American Oxford Dictionary. A Locavore or Localvore makes a commitment to eat food produced in their local region. Within 10 years the word now identifies a worldwide movement. Two weeks ago I questioned if a Central Queensland 1st Buy Local campaign would get support from businesses and more importantly the public if a tangible link between sales growth and job creation was clearly identified. The column did generate some discussion from which Rockhampton Innovative Networking Group (RING) is set to launch ‘Keep Rock Strong’. It is a step towards the CQ 1st goal. The first stage of Keep Rock Strong is identify local owned businesses who employ locals and support local events, clubs and charities; along with short messages about the benefits of buying local and facts on Rockhampton. Part educational and awareness building it will be a step towards tangibly indicating the link between buying local and job creation. Business support is needed to get the campaign started. RING is totally volunteer run, receiving no funding from members or government. As I said in last fortnight’s column we can sit and wait or start doing something for ourselves. Will Keep Rock Strong make a difference; it will if ongoing support can be maintained to consistently promote and develop the concept to the point of identifying local individuals who get a job because of the campaign. As the kinks are ironed out the concept under appropriate banners (or a blanket banner) can be rolled out or integrated with existing buy local campaigns across CQ. Initially it will be up to the Rockhampton business community to get the momentum started. To continue and build though it will need the rest of the community to embrace it by becoming Rokvores, then ultimately Cqvores. Research has proven the positive economic benefits Locavore has on communities; increasing job opportunities and incomes. Collaboration is the key, the internet has put a global marketplace at our finger tips, combined we can access more resources for local businesses to effectively compete thus keep our community strong. The future is not something foretold, it is what we create.
Keep Rock Strong