In 1955 population of Anaheim was around 14000. By 1960 it was 104184. Phenomenal growth, many know why, Disneyland opened. In contrast, population of Rockhampton City in 1954 was 40670. 57 years later (2011) it was 61724. If only Walt Disney was a Rockhamptonite! I use this contrast to show how an entrepreneur’s vision can make a huge difference. (Present population of Anaheim is 336265.)

The discussion regarding the bull statues of Rockhampton led to me meeting an entrepreneur who wants built an attraction on about 800 acres that would provide the 24 hour 7 day a week substance to the Beef Capital of Australia tag that would attract tourists, domestically and internationally. He is not calling it Beefland, but has a vision of creating a tourist facility that provides a well rounded experience of all things related to beef including the Cowboy and girl lifestyle of riding horses, listening to live country music, attending rodeo’s and playing poker; a fanciful dream or a game changer?

Rockhampton doesn’t currently have the product to make the tag Beef Capital of Australia a tourist magnet. Several bull statutes and 1 week (Beef Week) out of 156 weeks isn’t enough. If the product doesn’t support the promotion you either improve the product to meet expectations or change the promotion – basic marketing. If an entrepreneur presents plans to dramatically improve the product to where you could claim being Beef Capital of the World you would think persons engaged to boost the economy would be interested. However it appears to be taken seriously you need to be a billionaire. We’re allowing our region to live in the shadow of the south east corner and the northern cities of Cairns and Townsville. Beef Capital of Australia is something unique (Casino may disagree) that could prove very attractive to a growing Asian middle class that are travelling the world to seek different experiences. Beefland, could it be a major drawcard? It’s worth a feasibility study. The study would no doubt highlight Rockhampton airport would need an international passenger terminal and a huge investment required, most likely foreign sourced. Do we say ‘too hard’ and keep living in the shadows or look to a town that once had a population of 14000 for what can be attained?

