“Rockhampton Ring Road, by-pass sounds negative, ‘ring road’ that sounds less detrimental to the city economy, let’s call it that”. It would appear that the Western Ring Road or By-Pass is closer to reality with the recent purchase of affected land by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. We’ve had at least 4 years to change the Government’s mind but whether a lack of will or interest, deemed a waste of time or belief that it is the best option it appears construction of the ring road may start next year. The construction work it will generate is good news. The eventual decrease in heavy vehicles through the city is also a plus and less waiting at the Denison Street railway lines as more trains use the aligned rail by-pass is another tick, but how much business will our currently located businesses forego as all types of vehicles may elect to use the by-pass. More pointedly, how much less money will there will circulating in the Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast economies once the ring road is completed. Like a lot of regional centres Rockhampton needs ‘new’ money to grow its economy, ideally a continuous supply than short term sugar fixes. A completed western ring road would appear to decrease one source of new money as it literally drives by. Our current political representatives appear non-committal about it. Some want to be politicians and interested persons have offered alternative ideas. From a community perspective the issue doesn’t appear to rate highly. If a western ring road is fait accompli, partly due to the lack of community interest (protest), what can be done to maximise opportunities it could provide the Capricorn economy. Distance between centres will still lead to one night stopovers. Places like The Caves, Yaamba, Gracemere, and Marmor can potentially take a percentage of this Bruce Highway stopover traffic if suitable infrastructure like caravan parks is built. Making our region a destination rather than a stopover is a superior strategy. Foreshores, crocodile spotting and barra fishing may be part of this, the Beef World concept also. Destination marketing takes time and product to be successful, let’s not wait till the ring road is completed to present a complete package for the region (or demonstrate now that we don’t want to be by-passed).