Well I got told what is stopping a free RV camping site in Marmor or Bajool to cater for adventure anglers from happening. Last week I suggested a free RV site in Marmor or Bajool to not only stimulate a micro adventure (fishing) tourism industry in either of those towns but also to boost visitations into Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast regions, especially if the western by-pass is built. I’m informed if Council encourages camping at any site than it also accepts the consequences of it. There would be the hurdles of ongoing costs of cleaning, providing and maintaining acceptable facilities, environmental impact studies as well as health and legal implications; imagine the field day solicitors would have if an accident occurred in the designated area; plus dealing with the expected objections from commercial operators and would the non site paying RV nomads be made to feel welcome. These monetary and social costs would then have to be weighed against the expected benefits to be derived. One wonders how any economic activity happens these days. My argument is that the Rockhampton Region needs more money consistently circulating within it to generate more employment opportunities. Encouraging more people to stay short and long (reside) term here is one way. As arguably an under developed tourist destination Rockhampton needs to be more creative to achieve this. The recent net ban in the Fitzroy River is thought to encourage more tourists who like to fish. However there doesn’t appear to be any new focus on boosting this market, not even a dedicated website. If a nominal fee of $10 a night was to be charged, payable at the Marmor or Bajool Hotel, decreasing costs to collect the fee and encourage meal bookings, would this help overcome the hurdles. As you start to overcome the hurdles a decent promotional campaign is developed to promote the sport fishing destination that is the Fitzroy; with its barramundi, crocodiles and mud crabs. And where you can stay, including basic camping sites at Marmor or Bajool. This isn’t a million dollar project (or shouldn’t be). It is an opportunity to get more money circulating in the region, which creates jobs. Jobs, the action catchcry of every government; so what now is stopping this from happening!