In supporting the ongoing actions of Our Keppel Our Future (OKOF) last week I did receive some disagreement. Basically that trying to keep Great Keppel Island in as pristine condition as possible by protesting against a major resort development is something they would be happy to tell and justify to their kids. I welcome their different view point. And yes no matter how eco friendly the resort is planned to be there is bound to be some negative effect on the ecology of the island and its surrounds. Being concerned about damage to a precious natural resort is admirable, but what about the damage done to arguably our most precious resource, our children. Does continual knock backs on employment applications, lowering expectations to casual positions being the norm, not able to access bank finance because they haven’t full time work, cause damage to them? I’m no psychologist, but I believe I’m on the mark when I say yes. If there was a way in this region to generate 1500 new jobs without leaving a human footprint on the environment then pursue it. Is that even possible though? We have a developer who has managed their way around a number of hurdles, spent a lot of money, indicating 1500 jobs could be created if given a boutique casino licence (BCL). It appears however without over whelming community support the State Government will stick to its NO to a BCL, without even the need to explain why. Youth unemployment is a huge issue, which appears to be politically less significant with an aging voting population arguably more concerned about health and the environment. The symptoms in society of the damage being done to youth by the effects of rejection, long term unemployment and workforce casualisation is evident. A job helps give meaning to one’s life, purpose, motivation, a way of building a platform to achieve greater goals. Be sensitive of our environment and natural resources but balance our thinking with the aspirations of our region’s youth. 1500 extra jobs would make a huge difference, yes many would be casual, but as further people visit, live, invest in our region the more full time positions develop. “Children are the only future the human race has”.

