Senator Canavan, Minister for Northern Australia I have a proposal for you. A proposal that fits perfectly with the ‘ideas boom’ the Federal Government is promoting and in your new role overseeing development opportunities in Northern Australia. It’s a Youth Entrepreneurship Economic Zone. Yes I have mentioned it before, as recently as December 2015 where I indicated what recent developments were conducive to turning this aspiration into reality. A zone that encourages innovation and risk taking, particularly inspired and carried out by start-up’s run by local youth and youth drawn to such an environment. A small demonstration of the potential of this was demonstrated in last Fridays paper with the young guy who couldn’t get a job as an auto electrician so he went out and started his own business. Imagine having a dedicated environment where youth setting up their business was encouraged and fostered. It’s a huge learning curve establishing a new business with a high attrition rate. With more resources in entrepreneurship programs at High Schools, mentorships developed with current and retired business people (think of the benefits this could provide too), easier ways to attract and access angel funding, infrastructure and government (all levels) support/incentives; Rockhampton Region could develop this type of environment (economic zone). Imagine the youth we retain, attract and the positive energy generated. Imagine the ideas developed, the national (even international) attention it could bring to the region. It would be a game changer; it would address youth unemployment and their esteem. Here is a region that values youth to the point they are sharing risk with them. The grass roots of such an economic zone already exist, initiatives like RING’s (Rockhampton Innovative Networking Group) Communication to Careers (C2C) which encourages students to develop their own network with local business people by giving the students opportunity to meet and talk together. Who knows what these connections can lead too. There’s a C2C on tomorrow morning at the Rockhampton Girls Grammar School, details can be found at; more business people are encouraged to attend. Senator Canavan I realise the importance of water to our economy and the strong focus on it, but also consider our other most valuable resource, our youth.


