It was slick, built for speed, a   closer inspection revealed the Monaro inspiration in the design.  The Premier, Mayor and dignitaries tightly   grouped together for the media photo.    With a large pair of scissors the Premier cut the ceremonial ribbon to   signify the bullet train service between Rockhampton and Gladstone was ready for   passengers.  The aspiration was finally a   reality.
I’ve generally used this column to   highlight aspirations that I believe will help make Central Queensland a vibrant   dynamic region, even after the resource boom ends.  A kind of forecasting what the future could   be like. However this alone is not enough to stimulate action to make an   aspiration a reality.  In some cases this   column has stimulated some talk, but no tangible results.  Instead of just forecasting some backcasting   is needed to help achieve these aspirations.    With words I’ve painted a picture and described a need for aspirations   like a bullet train, a webisode series for Mt. Morgan, a wave pool for the   Yeppoon foreshore, even a home for 4 Gladstone children to live in.  With a goal in mind one needs to work   backwards to identify what needs to be done to achieve it –   backcasting.
This week I attended a meeting and   heard how a million dollar donation was secured from a single donor.  How it was achieved was from a lot of good   planning, preparation and having faith in the six degrees of separation   notion.  The idea that everyone is on   average approximately six steps away, by way of introduction, from any other   person. Knowing someone, who knows someone etc that ends up with contact made   with a person who can help realise the goal/aspiration.
Reaching the desired decision   maker is only part of it, making the best of the contact is also vital.  As a former supervisor told me there’s no   such thing as good luck: fortunate moments occur when good preparation meets    opportunity.
So how can backcasting be used to   achieve an aspiration?  Identify who are   the people needed to be convinced to make a favourable decision on the   aspiration.  Politicians maybe one, but   who puts all the requests for support on their desk and decides which one is on   top of the pile.  What bureaucrats   produce the reports for the politician’s considerations?  Once identified, determine who knows someone   that may know someone who knows the targets.    What is your pitch, when you make the opportunity to meet them?  Be prepared with the facts, figures,    costings, benefits, leverage opportunities, petition of support, a plan B if a   compromise is necessary, a hard copy to give, etc.  Have a follow up strategy planned and   implement it.  Sure it’s not going to be   an easy process, but it will probably be more effective than just writing a   column in the daily paper about it.
If anyone would like to help me   use backcasting to help achieve some or all of the aspirations mentioned above I   would appreciate you contacting me.    Especially the urgent one of finding a home for 4 Gladstone children by   May.
It may just involve talking to the   person beside you on the next plane flight as the speaker at the meeting   illustrated.  Introductions revealed the   person beside the speaker owned a business and after listening to the speakers   pitch the business owner offered to hold regular fund raising BBQ’s at his   workplace to raise funds for the charity the speaker represented.  The speaker thanked him for his offer, but   also politely asked if he write a letter of introduction to his major clients   and suppliers.  The six degrees of   separation process of reaching another million dollar donor had started   again.