Directly east of Rockhampton, also on latitude 23.5, is currently the worlds biggest and most expensive party, the Olympic Games. Tonight as the front page indicates we might see one former local win gold, when Sasha Belonogoff tackles the not so calm Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas in the quad scull.
Rockhampton/Central Queensland is rightfully taking credit for the important formative years in the development of 6 athletes participating at the Olympics; Anna Meares, Maddie Wilson, Jamie Dwyer, Mark Knowles, Matt Gohdes along with Sasha. I imagine the Rockhampton Hockey Association and Cycling Club are making obvious their link with applicable athletes, be good to see Rockhampton do the same with all 6.
Consider the national and perhaps international coverage Rockhampton ( the other city on the Tropic of Capricorn)would have got by covering our bull statues with gold and green jersey’s congratulating the 6 on their achievement (even if it was just the 3 bulls at the airport and entrances to the city).
What a statement it would have made too. Imagine the impression this would have not only on visitors to the city but our youth who play sport. Dare to aspire greatness. You can in Rockhampton.
Sport tourism (and celebrating our champions) is something Rockhampton needs to seriously further foster. Not long ago we were praising the organisers of the confraternity games for the economic benefits it brought to the region. Wouldn’t it be good if events of that size happened more often?
We need to fast track the promised second hockey field and identify what other assets need to be built or upgraded to be a serious player in the sport tourism market.
Does the plan for the desired convention centre include been easily converted into an indoor sports stadium? Is there a plan to relocate Rockhampton netball to a more suitable site?
Location, climate, natural assets (like the river and Mount Archer), existing facilities all augment sport tourism being a major economic driver for the region.
Plus we also have the champions; gold medal Olympians, world champions and arguably the greatest of them all, dual calendar grand slam winner, Rod Laver.
Let’s use every opportunity to remind everyone of their links to Rockhampton and in doing so put Rockhampton top of mind with the organisers of major sport carnivals.
Opportunities like I suggested 3 years ago with a wall of champions (photos) on display in the arrival area at the airport. Taking the Rod Laver collection out of storage and putting it on display when grand slam events (particularly the Australian Open) are being played. Invite our sporting champion’s home to a gala night to raise funds to help the careers of promising juniors. Or dress our bull statues in gold and green during the Olympics.