23.5 degrees south and 150.5 degrees east is the place on the planet that would make an ideal place to launch satellites into space. That just happens to be the latitude and longitude for Rockhampton. Apparently it would cost less to launch a missile carrying a satellite from here than most other parts of the world. I don’t profess to understand why, but I’m very excited that a former Rockhamptonite does and wants to build a launch site here. Wow, wouldn’t that be a game changer; Beef Capital Rockhampton in the satellite launch race. It’s estimated to become a US $6 billion industry. A 2% slice, which is the initial Rockhampton target, would be worth a bit over $150M in Australian dollars. Of course it is not the first time a space project has been mentioned for the region and may be viewed as launching pie in the sky instead of satellites.  However the cost to launch a satellite has dropped as much as their size. This has increased the international demand to build and launch satellites to where there is currently a 3 year launch waiting list. Australia is not even in the game though; New Zealand is further ahead in the development of launching satellites. If the Australian federal government does decide to get serious and start playing catch-up why couldn’t Rockhampton be the launch site? Geographically it is ideal, will politics think otherwise. To date the driver behind this aspiration, John Moody, has indicated he has received a good hearing from all levels of government. Should we dare dream beyond Adani and now aim for the stars?

“Dream Big. It’s the first step to success. Just like saying, shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars. So aim high, aim higher than you ever thought you could because if it just wasn’t meant to be, you’ll still shine”, Norman Vincent Peale.

There’s a lot more work to be done before Rockhampton could also become Australia’s Space Capital, but as a community we should aim high, higher than ever thought. This project if realised would be a genuine game changer. About 50 highly skilled new jobs would be directly created. Related businesses would also develop a Rockhampton presence that could lead to a Space Technology Park. More local youth would be inspired to seek careers in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM); an acknowledged necessity for a more innovative economy.  International business people would frequent Rockhampton to see their satellite launch, along with destination Rockhampton tourists. We can’t afford to be dismissive of John’s bold plan for his former home town, not if we want to shine. To hear more about John Moody’s aspiration make a date claimer now for the Startup Capricorn Meetup on February 14.







