As we get closer to December 31 the predictions for the following year blossom. Optimistically for 2017 the predictions I’m hearing start with ‘look like being’, ‘it’s shaping up to be’, ‘might be’ a better year. Yet to hear though, ‘we will make it a better year’.

When I started writing this column some 4 years ago I pushed the future is what you make it.

I noted the scepticism to last week’s column of launching satellites from Rockhampton; what the Night Editor cut from the column was the opportunity to meet the proponent at the Startup Capricorn Meetup on February 14.

Hear the future he wants to make and decide do I want to be part of a community that that tries to make the future ‘big’ or just sit back believing ‘it will never happen here’.

There are signs on the horizon that 2017 is shaping up to be a better year; Adani, Rookwood Weir, Great Keppel Island, Singaporean investment, Mt. Morgan mine, are all possibly to positively feature in 2017. If one or two do start then combined with the stronger agricultural/coal prices 2017 should economy wise be a better year.

What can we do as individuals to make it better though?

A Shop Local drive is needed. Not just a token bumper sticker campaign in response to internet shopping; but a long term educational, value laden, collaborative campaign.

A campaign that is part of a grander plan; a plan that has as one of its objectives – strengthen the sense of community.

Possibly a by-product of globalisation, cities, as distinct from towns and villages, appear to have lost that sense of community. How many know the name of their neighbour 2 doors down let alone 10? Many know more about the lives of an American family called Kardashian than their next door neighbour.

A Shop Local campaign with a Social Responsibility agenda imbedded in its DNA could unite residents in supporting local businesses and strengthening the sense of community as they see how combined action leads to improvements in their living environment.

A lot of work and strong leadership needed to pull all this together; of course the easy thing is sit back and do nothing.

Aren’t we obligated to the next generation though to make a better future, at least try?

Something to consider over the Christmas break! Have a happy Christmas and let’s make  2017 a better year (not just hope it will be).






