A belated happy new year! Here is to making 2017 a better year.
If Rockhampton Region was a business would we (the residents) be its shareholders or employees?
If you believe shareholders, is Rockhampton Region Ltd (RRL) returning a satisfactory return on your investment (rates)?
If you think employees, do we have a good understanding and wholeheartedly endorse the goals of RRL? And is RRL a employer we remain loyal to?
Rockhampton Region is not only a description of a defined 18361 square kilometres of Queensland; it is a business and a brand.
We the residents of Rockhampton Region should think of ourselves as also being its shareholders and employees, not just customers.
By adopting this mindset we have a greater chance of making the region (as a business and brand) stronger as indicated by higher land valuations, more job opportunities and better public infrastructure.
The decision of Rockhampton Regional Council to cease all funding to Capricorn Enterprise and utilise in-house resources to market the region should be one we as shareholders/employees be very interested in following.
The power of effectively marketing this region has for too long being undervalued by some of our community leaders.
Other than increasing the cost on those already being charged or debt, just counting and spending cash can’t do what marketing can.
Effective marketing can find new cash and get a bigger share of it.
Cash that result in higher land valuations, more job opportunities and better public infrastructure.
For marketing to be effective it entails valuing and involving both shareholders and employees.
We are the most important marketing tools of the Rockhampton Region; how we interact with tourists, what we say online.
The more informed we are of strategies that we wholeheartedly support the more successful the marketing will be.
There is no point labouring on whether the divorce of Council and Cap. Enterprise is right or wrong; we as shareholders/employees should now be expecting information on the future marketing direction and what criteria will success be measured against.
If the new direction/strategies includes this interaction with residents treating us as (and us wanting to be) shareholders and valued employees, not mushrooms, then the Rockhampton Region, the business and brand has a much better chance of becoming stronger.