I consider myself fortunate to be born and live in Australia. There are numerous reasons why but one of the most important is everyone’s right to a good education; education as distinct from propaganda. It may not be perfect but our education system increases one’s knowledge enabling independent thinking and decision making. Most of us can make our own informed decisions. This should be celebrated every day, not everyone on this planet has this basic right.

It makes me wonder than what type of Australians would support death and abuse threats being made to 2 young girls that appear on a billboard promoting Australia Day celebrations. The current global political climate makes it easy to stir up emotions for and against other religions, cultures, beliefs, differences; but to publicly support 2 young girls to be killed because they wore hijabs and held Australian flags!

I understand the photo was taken at an Australian Day event last year. They were at an event having fun, possibly not even fully understanding what Australia Day is celebrating, other than being a holiday. Arguably like most attending tomorrow’s beach party at Yeppoon.

To justify the threats to the girls and billboard company employees that Australia is a Christian country and Muslims aren’t welcome appears to me to fly in the face of their supposed faith. The Australia I assume these people proudly celebrate tomorrow has no official state religion and the constitution protects freedom of religion. If they were successful in kicking out all the non-Christians that would see around 9 million ‘Australian’s’ expelled, 39% of the population. Wouldn’t that wreck the economy.

Have you seen supposedly the most political television commercial Meat Livestock Australia has produced? Practically every culture is turning up to an Australian beach barbecue. However a reference to us all being boat people and then welcomed by an aboriginal supposedly makes it ‘most political’. No mention is made of Australia Day, even Vegans are welcomed at the barbecue but a factual statement supposedly causes controversy.

As Australians we all have the right to possess and express different points of view, including the day Australia Day should be celebrated, if it should be celebrated at all and if young girls should be wearing hijabs. However instead of being swayed by others propaganda to support extreme suggestions, access the education available in Australia to increase one’s knowledge of the issues you may feel compelled to comment on social media about and then apply independent thinking to make a decision. Education available to all, that’s the best bit about living in the lucky country.






