Change your life; would you go to a presentation with this stated goal?

You probably want to know ‘how’ before deciding.

Become an Entrepreneur and change your life; interested if a 2 hour session can achieve this?

Why not find out this Tuesday night when the Chief Entrepreneur of Queensland, Mark Sowerby, brings his State Road Trip to Yeppoon, featuring the Shark Tank’s and former North Rocky High student – Steve Baxter, as well as Telstra’s Business Woman Queensland Entrepreneur 2016 and local business operator – Patrice Brown, Co-founder of We Are Hunted – Stephen Phillips, Co-founder of Orange Sky Laundry – Lucas Patchett and a stockbroker who does a bit of podcasting on the side – Chris Titley.

Will 2 hours with even this fantastic calibre of speakers change your life? Inspire, motivate, empower, reinvigorate but you will probably not leave with a new life. It could though be a catalyst for change or help you persist on the path of change you’ve already started.

Change is not usually immediate and a lot of it comes back to the individual; will they adopt the discipline needed to make the change. How thorough will they prepare and plan for it? What will happen at the first hurdle? Can people actually picture themselves as the goal or always striving to achieve the goal?

Saying you are going to change your life is easy, doing it is another matter.

Why should Councils support these individuals though with subsidised start-up hubs, the good ones (entrepreneurs) will find ways to succeed no matter the hurdles, why risk ratepayer’s money?

It is a question I’ve been asked. Good start-up’s with access to ready capital will possibly succeed without government assistance or simply move to where they can get support. Move – it’s a competitive market just like the Adani FIFO battle between Rockhampton and Townsville.

Start-up’s have potential to create new jobs, retain youth and attract more start-up’s. Just for these reasons Central Queensland must be active in this space, absolutely essential.

Councils have got to change from the just delivering the 3R’s and it is good to see this happening. However it’s more than just establishing start-up hubs and hoping for a winner.

As well as encouraging and supporting more locals to consider changing their lives and becoming entrepreneurs, CQ Councils need to be chasing other start-up’s to move here.

Its part of the change process Councils need to progress through just like the individual.

Prepare, plan, schedule, have discipline, see hurdles as challenges, create progressive milestones and start selling the picture of being a thriving start-up community.

This may surprise some readers but I feel Rockhampton is on this path of change with its Smart Regional Centre vision. But we are not alone; other Council’s are claiming this space as well.

The only constant is change, thus our lives will change if we do or don’t embrace it. Embrace it and we pursue stimulation and expansion. Don’t and it is the contrary.

Attend Tuesday night’s presentation; it can be a catalyst (or further push) not just for individual life change but community as well. Details can be found on the Startup Capricorn Facebook page.

