850-1000 new jobs to be filled in Central Queensland from January 1st next year!

No it’s not an opening of a coal mine or the construction of a gas plant; it is the expected result from the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

We’ve possibly all heard about NDIS, but don’t fully understand what it is or how it works.

Not only will it change the lives of those eligible to receive the benefits it will also be an unrivalled opportunity for entrepreneurs to develop ideas to make NDIS both efficient and effective.

The bulk of the 850-1000 jobs will be in allied health industries, helping those with an eligible disability lead a more fulfilling life.

Existing providers, locally, nationally and internationally, are expected to employ more people and possibly expand into and compete in other geographic markets.

For some of these providers, particularly local ones who are primarily government funded, this will be their first major foray in a competitive consumer-controlled marketplace.

Innovation, collaboration and disruption will arguably be needed for these to survive and hopefully thrive in the new NDIS environment.

Not only will they need to attract the extra workers anticipated to meet the expected demand NDIS creates for services, they must be able to cost effectively deliver them (the federal government sets a price ceiling) possibly from the Capricorn Coast to the Northern Territory border.

Here lie the opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Distance, remoteness, competition, training, attracting and retaining employees; CQ will present some unique challenges for the NDIS providers. Successfully meet these challenges and the world can be your oyster as other countries study Australia’s NDIS rollout in consideration of their own versions.

Technology will play a vital role in the success of the CQ NDIS rollout and as the recent Queensland Chief Entrepreneurs road show highlighted regional Queensland does produce world class tech entrepreneurs.

Our local entrepreneurs need to be aware of the challenges and thus opportunities NDIS creates and then supported to develop solutions here in our region. To this end Startup Capricorn May Meetup is titled, NDIS – The Entrepreneurial Opportunities. 3 NDIS experts have been invited to a Q & A session about the delivery challenges other markets have faced with the introduction of NDIS and how these are being tackled.

The Meetup is this Tuesday at The Workshop, 45 East Street and starts at 5.30pm. Admittance is free and everyone interested in knowing more about NDIS is encouraged to attend. Registering your intent to attend on the Startup Capricorn Facebook page is appreciated for catering purposes.





