Could 250 square metres of Nankin land help make this region a better place?

I got a phone call last week from a reader of this column. He wants 15 community groups to each take on the responsibility of one row on the 250 metres square plot he has set aside for growing organic fruit, herb’s, vegetables. The community group would retain the proceeds from the sale of the crops they tendered.

Instead of him approaching numerous local community groups to get 15 he’s hoping me writing about it will have his phone ringing. He’s using me and after listening to his intentions I’m happy to be.

He’s after a Utopia. Not the ABC television show, but that idealist place; in this case to work.

15 community groups representing different parts of our society working together, sharing information, getting to know each other and better understanding each other’s differences as they each make money for their group without destroying the land that is enabling them to derive their income.

Idealistic; it is a shame if we do think that.  Yet society or human nature seems hellbent on dividing us into tribes, based on sex, colour, beliefs, wealth, age, where born, occupation, etc. The reactive beings that are politicians instead of promoting policies of inclusiveness generally see advantage in a divide and conquer power strategy. Trump being the obvious example. Thus, society continues on this path of constant conflict.

Could 15 mini tribes work harmoniously and effectively side by side under the scrutiny of Mt. Sleipner?

I asked how does his community garden model differ from those operating in Wandal and Berserker. Money was the response. Yes, this Utopia at Nankin would still be based on the capitalist premise of self-interest or in this case group interest.  The groups could keep the money they earnt, donate it, blow it on a trip to the NRL grand final; it would be their choice, after all they worked for it.

He’s not that idealistic to think the project would be sustained on good will alone. But hopeful from working side by side people gain a better appreciation of our neighbours and land. That by-product will be more valuable than money; a healthier society.

His name is Rob, a bit of a rough diamond, phone number is 0409 992 404. Rob does have entrepreneurial plans for the bordering land and it’s not just a matter of being 1 of the first 15 callers. Should your community group reflect what Rob is seeking to achieve at Nankin and willing to put the effort in give him a call to find out more. Best to ring him at night, phone reception is better then.

If a community group would like some help to develop the idea of commercial community garden or individuals thinking of starting a food venture visit the Startup Capricorn Facebook page for details of the Start-Up weekend October 6-8. It is titled Cook Up a Business in 3 Days. You’ll be amazed at what can be achieved within that time working with a diverse group of people.

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