There are signs on the horizon that 2017 is shaping up to be a better year; Adani, Rookwood Weir, Great Keppel Island, Singaporean investment, Mt. Morgan mine, are all possibly to positively feature in 2017. If one or two do start then combined with the stronger agricultural/coal prices, 2017 should economy wise be a better year.


Not a typo, this is part of what I wrote this time last year. Funny, actually disappointing that I could just change the year and use it again this year. Add a promised manufacturing hub (admittedly no mention of when) for Rockhampton and I could possibly be reusing much of this text next year as well. Let’s hope not though.


It demonstrates we can’t just sit back and wait for others to make our future. We need to make the future we want for ourselves. As individuals we can achieve much. As a community we could achieve even more.


Perhaps initially not the game changer projects that would provide a massive sugar hit for our economy by generating plenty of new jobs and people moving to our region to live and invest. But community action could achieve these same (or other) goals incrementally.


In support of this I’ve mentioned in the past the need for a shop local campaign with a Social Responsibility agenda imbedded in its DNA to support local businesses (and the jobs they create), threatened by interstate and overseas web sites. Also of a community garden concept under the scrutiny of Mt. Sleipner on Emu Park Road, for not for profit organisations to raise funds and promote social inclusion. I could quite possibly be writing about these and similar again next year too.


What is stopping us as a community from taking significant steps towards creating the future we desire? The answer is the answers to what is within this very question.


What is the future we desire? We want different things, we have different, even conflicting views of what makes a better community, some don’t believe that we can collectively bring about change and we are all time poor. So, we effectively sit back and let others in the time of their choosing determine our community’s future.


Could in 2018 those of us who want ‘better’ consider compromising our futuristic views and collaborate on achieving some change, some improvement, instead of just voicing competing ideas?


There is an opportunity for a non-political organisation to co-ordinate this collaborative movement and benefit from it if managed well.


The last election results arguably indicate a lot of people’s patience has worn thin, alternatives are being sought.


2018 arguably is the most suitable time to hold a public forum to discuss ‘What is the Future We Want and What We Are Prepared to Concede in Order for our Community to Progress’.


Aren’t we obligated to the next generation to at least try and develop this platform for a better community?


“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavour”, Henry David Thoreau. Substitute ‘community’ for ‘man’, then apply the conscious endeavour; wouldn’t our community be better for just trying?


Something to consider over the Christmas break! Have a happy Christmas and let’s make 2018 a better year (not just sit back and hope it will be).





