It was decided (not that I had a say) that on Saturday night the family get together and have dinner at Tsuruya, the Japanese restaurant in the old Iwasaki Resort.  On the drive down I thought we be the only diners at the restaurant and wondered how it viably stays open. Particularly as all Yeppoon would be at the Village Festival. This thought was reinforced as we turned off the Panorama Road roundabout into darkness, all the street lights along the dual lane drive to the resort were turned off. As we got closer I noticed a few lights on at the first motel building, then a few in what was the Royal Palm building, then carefully keeping an eye on the kangaroo’s, drove towards Anniversary House (celebrated my 40th birthday there) towards a near full car park. What’s going on; here in the middle of seemingly nowhere, did we pick the only night that some large corporation decided to have their work get together? As we walked towards the Queen Palm building I started having flashbacks about the times we used to stay at the resort. The interior was neat and layout as I remembered it. Turn left to the restaurant (right took you to the lift), and about 50 people sitting inside. They were in groups, but it wasn’t some big work get together; just couples, families and friends having dinner. So much for location, location, location being the main criteria for a restaurant’s success. They must be here just for the food. What else could it be? I wasn’t aware of any blanket advertising campaign, the only signage I saw was when you got to the resort, the resort itself is closed to guests, the menu prices weren’t cheap, and even from Yeppoon it’s about a 15-minute drive. The food was good, as was the service. To my knowledge it is the only Japanese restaurant in the region, which I suspect is part of the reason people frequent it, along with people having a feed after a game of golf; but I wonder if it’s also the nostalgia of visiting the resort that brings people here. Recalling  the Motor Trader Balls, I think there was a TAA Ball I went to as well, a Wine and Food Festival, sitting beside the pool listening to the live music, taking a midnight dip, there was a night club, a church (I wonder how many couples were married there or on the beach like my eldest daughter) and then there were the people you met, having drinks with Gene Miles, Michael O’Connor and Benny Pike comes to mind. Iwasaki or Rydes or Mercure or whatever you remember it by used to be a place you could easily slip away to and feel like you were miles from anywhere. The resort did show its age before the decision to close it was made (which was only 2 years ago) and I suspect a daytime tour of the complex now might take further gloss of the good memories. However, I wonder if a Back to Iwasaki/Rydges/Mercure night was organised, with live entertainment, dining and reminiscing offered, how many would attend? Run shuttle buses from Yeppoon, that would fix the accommodation issue and give them a boost. Could be a good charity fund raiser! Any takers?  In the meantime, there is still Tsuruya and the international golf course with club house facilities to enjoy. It seems it was a lot longer than just 2 years ago (this month) that the accommodation closed. Must be missing it. Here’s hoping it does eventually reopen.
