Rockhampton puts on the best display in the state, it is the only one outside metropolitan areas that does 2 a year, and the society running them is one of the longest continuous clubs of its type in the state. What, who is it? About 1200 people visited it on the weekend. Nearly 100 of which were waiting Saturday morning to be the first to get in. It was the Spring Orchid display at the Rockhampton High School.


The club responsible for organising not one but two shows each year and has been putting on displays since 1955 is the Rockhampton Orchid Society. A fantastic achievement for a volunteer organisation whose 160 strong membership are all hobby growers.


September next year they host the Sub-Tropical Orchid Council Qld. Inc. (STOCQ) Rocky Round Up Orchidfest. Showcasing the best orchids from the Sunshine Coast to Rockhampton, and perhaps further afield as it is open to members of all societies and clubs affiliated with The Australian Orchid Council.


I’m guessing to many this is new news, as it is not an overly publicised happening, but is the type of thing that Rockhampton should build on, to develop an image in keeping with the goal of becoming an international tourist destination.


Last week I suggested that Rockhampton needs to set a goal to become an international tourist destination to revive the fortunes and facades of some of its dated motels. As well provide a consistent revenue stream for the economy, and the job growth that comes with it.


As mentioned such a goal is not achieved by a ‘say it, be it’ overnight strategy. It is a long-term goal that needs a stepping stones strategy to chart its progress. To start, look at what strengths one has to build upon. This includes partly hidden gems like the Rockhampton Orchid Society.


Imagine if orchids were put on the same pedestal as cattle and barramundi are in promoting the region. Suddenly people would think differently of Rockhampton. Former 3 S’s, ‘Sin, Sweat and Sorrow,’ city softened by the addition of beautiful orchids. A place arguably well known for its climate, actually makes a great place to grow a wide variety of orchids. Again, possibly new news to many.


Next year’s Orchidfest is a great opportunity for Rockhampton to further cultivate an image of splendor in its effort to attract more tourists and residents. Not only is it a prestigious event that will attract participants to Rockhampton, it provides an applicable simple symbol of splendor (the new 3 S’s) for Rockhampton to stalwartly associate with – the orchid.


This is not something that the Rockhampton Orchid Society should be expected to do; the volunteer group have enough issues organising the event, including how to cover the expected $13000 to $15000 hosting costs. Council and the community need to get involved to help highlight Rockhampton hosting the event and cultivating an image of splendor that supports Rockhampton as a future international tourist destination.


It can be simple things such as changing your Facebook profile photos to the iconic Brahman Bull statue on the southern entrance with a large orchid positioned on its ear (or on any of the bull statues), for those who haven’t already adopted the Supercars 2020 logo.


The STOCQ Orchidfest only happens every 3 years, it may be a long time before Rockhampton again gets to be the host city. Using this event as a stepping stone to becoming an international tourist destination is too good an opportunity to let simply slip splendorously by.

