A question was asked of me, why get involved in organising a drought appeal concert? If you have been reading this column over the past few weeks you know that I’m involved with Stomp the Crack, the McDonald’s Beef Capital Cares Drought Appeal Concert this Sunday at the Great Western Hotel. I answered,’ I just thought one should be organised, so why not give it a go?’ Kind of lucky that this wasn’t followed up with the question, why should Rockhampton host one? This I wouldn’t have been able to give a quick reply to. I was introduced to country music singer Tony Cook and we got to talking about his songs and accompanying videos. They really sell outback Queensland, it’s scenery, and characters. Even Bob Katter MP makes an appearance in one. Check them out on his web site: www.tonycook.com.au. Tony deliberately has the videos produced to highlight the name of the outback town it is shot in and show off the attributes that attract tourists to the outback. It is one way he is trying to help those communities impacted by the drought. Having lived in the outback he personally knows the negative affects the prolonged drought is having on the land, animals, and people. When the kindest thing you can do to your stock, your livelihood, is to shoot them, things are just about rock bottom. But unless you’ve seen this for yourself it is hard for city folk to comprehend the physical, mental and spiritual drain this drought is having on fellow Australians. Yet Rockhampton, the Beef Capital of Australia, should be one city that comprehends this better than many others, shouldn’t we? Our economy is heavily affected by what is happening in Central Queensland. As Rocky is the Capital (service centre) of CQ too. Mining, agriculture, tourism in CQ all affects Rockhampton’s economy, the up-swings and down-turns. The downturn in the mining industry is generally attributed for the present lower house prices in Rockhampton and tougher retail conditions, part of this though is that it was so noticeable. Several years ago, the hi-vis outfits seemed suddenly to be everywhere, now only sparsely seen (but increasing). Rural workers have always been part of Rockhampton’s fabric – thus not as noticeable, unless of course it’s Beef Week, when their visitation and spending decreases. Shouldn’t a city that has gained so much for so long from an industry give back in its time of need! Many local businesses have agreed and have jumped on board with the McDonald’s Beef Capital Cares Drought Appeal Concert. I would like to see more get more on board by buying a decorated table (or 2) for just $330 each (table of 10). Offer it to work colleagues, family, friends, clients; just make a visual presence at the Great Western Hotel this Sunday that your business cares, along with the rest of the Beef Capital, and is giving back to those in need. 100% of ticket sales go to the QCWA Drought Appeal. Benefitting not just the farmers but their closest communities, communities Tony Cook features in his videos. Come on Rockhampton, let’s Stomp the Crack this Sunday, and give a bit back to a sector that has helped make Rockhampton the place it is. Contact me at warren@apap.com.au for table bookings.
Stomp the Crack