In 14 months, Rockhampton will be hosting its biggest event, attracting 100,000 visitors to town with the tri-annual Beef Australia. I imagine some event will be held over the May day long weekend this year to acknowledge that it will then be only 12 months away. While the temptation will be to have a beef theme (and related location) for the function could a more ’rounded Rockhampton’ location create the setting that would get residents, social and traditional media virally excited. I’m thinking the railway’s Roundhouse would be the perfect location. Its shape, history, uniqueness and just to see it used for something that the public could attend, but I assume there would be numerous obstacles to overcome including patron safety. Archer Park Rail Museum is available for event hire and due to its history (and its resident tram) would also make an ideal location in selling Beef Australia and Rockhampton. Hopefully, that is what the Council is thinking with its sponsorship of Beef Australia, ways they can use the event to sell the region not just for 1 week every 3 years but every week, every year. And by holding an event at Archer Park Rail Museum on Saturday May 2nd one could co-promote another famous railway station in the region (and rodeo) at Mount Morgan in the midst of their annual Golden Mount Festival (which will hopefully be included in the Rockhampton 2020 events calendar soon). To really get the viral effect that both Beef Australia would want for their launch and Rockhampton for visitation, is for Queensland Rail to allow the Purrey Steam Tram (based at Archer Park) to take passengers over the Alexander Bridge. The world’s only operating Purrey Steam tram travelling across the mighty Fitzroy, then wrap up the day with a barbeque and country music concert (featuring a major Australian performer) at the museum that evening. Wouldn’t that be something special, something unique, something that sells Rockhampton to a wide audience and gives Beef Australia the launching pad more fitting of an international event, the biggest of its kind in the southern hemisphere. It could also be something that will attract people to the Rockhampton region over the long weekend and keep a few of the locals from going elsewhere. Bit of work involved, money and organisation, but the outcomes would provide a good return for Beef Australia and the Rockhampton region. Involve the neighbouring Military Museum and you’ve added another feature to this promotional mix. Good idea, but now who steps up and starts running with it? Being a double election year hopefully there will be some doers. Perhaps the people engaged to have these ideas and organise such events have some better ideas. Hopefully whatever event(s) to acknowledge 12 months to Rockhampton’s biggest event does it and the region justice and incorporates much of Rockhampton, its history, unique attractions and people; not just be a free sausage sizzle by the riverbank.    
