It used to be said if United States sneezes Australia catches a cold. Now it appears if China has a virus the world goes into recession. Recession normally means businesses will close or put off staff, unemployment thus rises, share prices fall, dividends decrease, self-funded retirees earn less, real estate prices drop. Not a pretty picture.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say there will be pain, particularly for some groups, but Rockhampton greater region will fare better than most parts of Australia, should it go into recession. Not because of the Federal Government’s stimulus package, but the amount of capital projects in the pipeline. Only last week it was mentioned that State Government modelling indicates there will be 2500 jobs in the Rockhampton greater region unfilled in 2 years time.

I dare suggest there are 2500 jobs that could be filled now if the suitably skilled people were available. SEEK alone indicates there are currently 684 jobs to fill in the Rockhampton/Capricorn Coast region. It would be interesting to know what contracts labour recruiting companies are trying to fill for this region as well as how big the hidden job market is, jobs not advertised; some businesses don’t even think about hiring until that right person literally knocks on their door.

How can this be with such high unemployment? The need for applicants to have relevant skills and experience is part of the reason. This identified skill shortage is already forcing some local businesses to look off-shore for solutions. If what I am saying here is correct, and I welcome a more qualified person to share their crystal ball-gazing, would it not be smart for the Federal Government stimulus package to include promoting and encouraging people with the desired skills that may find themselves out of a job because of the corona recession to look at relocating to Rockhampton/Capricorn Coast? Would that not be a way of stimulating Australia and not just Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne?

A Job Fair is being planned to be held in Rockhampton on April 22nd, unless it becomes another corona cancellation. As well as being an event where locals can attend to see what jobs are currently available and talk with a representative of that business, can it also be a showcase to the nation that here is a region that is going ahead, despite the looming recession. The proof of this being the number and diversity of job vacancies currently available. RING, Rockhampton Innovative Networking Group, is currently surveying local businesses on how many jobs they could fill if the right applicants were available. If you own or manage a business in either the Rockhampton or Livingstone council areas let me know how many positions you could fill within the next 2 months, be they full time, part-time, casual, labour hire, apprenticeships, traineeships ( There will be some businesses that will be putting off staff, even closing, they will get media attention and affect our outlook. How about we also start talking about the numbers and types of jobs that are available and how they can be filled, by locals and where necessary non-locals. Is 2500 jobs close to the mark, if so, it would make a great, and much needed upbeat, national headline.  

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